The 2002 Made in the Middle exhibition was the first of the series with an associated action research project. Devised by Craftspace the project was supported by Bilston Craft Gallery and the Qube in Oswestry. At Home with Craft was a unique programme which offered people without access to the gallery a chance to enjoy and experience craft. The project supported the development of individual’s creative talents and introduced many different types of craft through a range of activities.
In Bilston, we worked with residents of sheltered accommodation provided by Heantun Housing Association. Cath, Rose, Gary, Lisa, Andrew and Sid participated in gallery visits, talks and handling sessions. Using work by makers from the region, we discussed likes and dislikes and talked about making processes and the importance of function. Textile artist Bobby Britnell and potter Jon Williams introduced new techniques and materials inspiring the group to make their own work.
Following the sessions, each participant selected a maker of their choice to commission a piece of craft for their homes. When they received the piece, we enjoyed listening to and sharing in their responses. These reflected on the many ways we respond to things that we value in our personal space.
This project is featured in the publication for Made in the Middle 2002 in the catalogue section of this website: Catalogues